Information according to BGB-InfoVO

The websites under the title "Wolfgang Jendsch" are information pages about the operator of the same name, which are operated as part of a private initiative and for the private interest of the publisher named below.

Responsible in the sense of the law on legal framework for electronic business (EGG),
of the Teleservices Act (TDG) and press law (e.g. Media Services State Treaty / MedStV, State Press Act):
Publisher and operator of the websites, editor:

Wolfgang Jendsch (specialized journalist)
Buchhof 1
D-78315 Radolfzell / Bodensee

Telefon: (+49) (0)7732/12893
Telefax: (+49) (0)321/21401920
eMail: wolfgang -ett-

(spam protection: please replace "-ett-" with the "Commercial a" (@) )

Legal notice - disclaimer for the content of the website
The private websites "Wolfgang Jendsch" (i.P.: Wolfgang Jendsch) assumes no responsibility for the topicality, completeness or quality of the information provided on the published websites.

Liability claims against the publisher and operator of the websites, which relate to material or immaterial damage caused by the use or non-use of the published information or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are fundamentally excluded, unless the operator can prove that it was intentional or gross negligent fault.

The operator of the private websites "Wolfgang Jendsch" expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the published websites without prior notice, or to temporarily or permanently discontinue publication of the website.

Legal notice regarding references and links - declaration of distance
The district court of Hamburg ruled on May 12th, 1998 that by inserting references (links) to the websites of other people, companies or organizations, the content of the linked pages may also be responsible. According to the Hamburg Regional Court in its legal justification, this responsibility can only be avoided by distancing yourself from the content of the linked page(s) and, if applicable, their further links.

In the case that this decision is currently of actually legal significance, the following declaration of distance applies to the content of the websites linked from the private website "Wolfgang Jendsch".
It is expressly emphasized that the private website "Wolfgang Jendsch" has no influence on the design and content of external sites.

Declaration of distance:
The owner of the private website "Wolfgang Jendsch" (i.P. Wolfgang Jendsch) hereby expressly distances himself from the content of all internet pages (links) linked by us to the information pages for which we are responsible, including all sub-pages located there with their further links or other forwarding mechanisms. This declaration applies to all links used on our above-mentioned websites as well as to all other content to which links, banners or other links lead.
Radolfzell, March 2012

In the case of direct or indirect references (links) to external websites that are outside the area of responsibility of the private websites "Wolfgang Jendsch", liability and illegal content of these pages would only come into force if the operator of the website (see above) have knowledge of such content and it would be technically possible and reasonable for him to prevent its use.

The private websites "Wolfgang Jendsch" (i.P. Wolfgang Jendsch) hereby expressly states that at the time of linking, no illegal and illegal content was recognizable on the linked pages.

The private websites "Wolfgang Jendsch" (i.P. Wolfgang Jendsch) has no influence on the current and future design, content or authorship of the linked pages. We therefore hereby expressly distance ourselves from the content of all linked pages that were changed after the link was created. This statement applies to all links and references set within our own website.
For illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular for damage resulting from the use or non-use of information provided in this way, the provider of the corresponding page is solely liable.

Copyright, right of use (copyright)
The private websites "Wolfgang Jendsch" (i.P. Wolfgang Jendsch) are trying to note the copyrights of the texts, images and graphics used on the published websites. However, almost all texts, images and graphics are created by us, so that we have the exclusive copyright. For some third-party images, the right to use the images on the website was obtained from the respective image authors.

If you have any justified doubts about the legality of the use of text and images on our websites, please let us know. We will immediately review your objections and, if necessary, ensure that the respective texts and/or images are deleted immediately. We also ask for a message if you discover yourself in one of the event photos, but do not want it to be published. We will then either remove the corresponding photo(s) or make the respective person unrecognizable.

In addition, all other text, images and graphics used on the websites are also subject to the provisions of the valid copyright law and are protected by our own or by the rights of third parties. The copyright for third-party publications lies exclusively with the respective author.

Duplications or use of all texts, images and graphics published on our websites in other electronic or printed publications (e.g. magazines, picture archives, radio, television, websites, forums) is not permitted without our express consent.

Insofern Teile oder einzelne Formulierungen des vorstehenden Textes der geltenden Rechtslage nicht, nicht mehr oder nicht vollständig entsprechen sollten, bleiben die übrigen Teile des Textes in ihrem Inhalt und ihrer Gültigkeit davon unberührt.

If parts or individual formulations of the above text do not, no longer or not completely correspond to the applicable legal situation, the remaining parts of the text remain unaffected in their content and validity.