Subjects and focal Working Points

Founded from myself in April 1989, the "FirePublications/Feuerwehrpresse" worked for more than 25 years intensively to the subject areas "Fire Prevention/Fire Service" and "Medical Rescue Service/Emergency Service".

With entry into the retirement our service was stopped to a great extent
from July, 2014.

Till the end of 2018 all orders and projects could be completely concluded. In addition, I will perceive only few well-chosen offers (see also: "Presentations, Publications").

Thematic main Focuses "Fire Service - Fire Prevention"

  • International Fire Service Apparatus Technology
  • Organization and Concepts of the Fire Service in Germany, in Europe and in the western states of America (USA)
  • Forest and Wildland Firefighting in Europe and in the western states of America (USA)
  • Fire Prevention
  • Press and Public Relations of the Fire Service

Thematic main Focuses "Rescue Services - Emergency Service"

  • Apparatus Technology in the Rescue Services (Europe, USA)
  • Organization and Concepts of the Rescue Service in Germany, in Europe and in the western states of America (USA)
  • Practise of Rescue Service
  • Press and Public Relations of the Emergency and Rescue Services

Specialisation of "Wildland Firefighting" 

Within the scope of the abovementioned subject areas I have already early specialized myself in forest and wildland firefighting - especially in Europe and in the USA.

From 1996 in my function as a professional journalist and author as well as a "Public Information Officer" (PIO) I could travel for years away over and over again in the western states of America (USA) - to California, Arizona, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado - to learn more about the most different facets of forest and wildland firefighting and to experience that in practice and to document it.

In this time I visited over and over again
  • numerous fire departments and fire stations in the US States,
  • the fire departments of the Indian reservations,
  • the areal fire bases,
  • the large fire agencies (among others the US Forest Service/USFS, the Office of Land Management/BLM, the Califonia Department of Forestry and Fire Protection/CDF/CAL FIRE)
  • as well as the central operation centres (among others the National Interagency Fire Centre/NIFC, the Geographic Operations/Coordinations Centres/GACC/OPC).
At the same time I got the opportunity over and over again to take part in numerous partly spectacular fire and rescue operations in the regular fire and rescue service, in wildland firefighting on the ground as well as from the air. The several weeks stays in the USA allowed it to myself to take part also in training courses for forest and wildland firefighting.